Speakers' Corner
Pivot Green members are a vocal group who often send out correspondence to newspapers, politicians, corporations, and other environmental groups. Some samples of our work can be seen below.

Ryan Church has worn many hats in his young illustrious career. He is an entrepreneur, designer, biologist and with many patents already in his name, he is an inventor. As an active environmentalist, it seemed only natural that his latest invention has the potential to seriously impact the amount of energy we can produce from Wind Turbines around the world. He is a great Canadian with a fascinating story to tell.
Tom Scanlan, Toronto, Ont.
Hidden Gems Podcast, 01 September 2021
Re A Tax On Them
(Letters, Aug. 31): A letter-writer suggests we shouldn’t increase taxes on banks as that might lessen dividends for shareholders, including some seniors. Seriously?
Bank profit in this country is obscene. A slight decrease in payouts to those who can afford to own stocks is a small price to pay for a tax that could raise money and help those in need, including many seniors.
Tom Scanlan, Toronto, Ont.
Globe and Mail, 01 September 2021
Tom Scanlan, Toronto, Ont.
Globe and Mail, 09 December 2020
“It's been more than 40 years since our "tiny, perfect mayor" presided over the city, but David Crombie's principled resignation from the advisory Greenbelt Council shows he still can punch above his weight.."
"There are countless examples of government successfully "picking winners" and creating opportunities and jobs (green or polluting) based on investments in research, new job programs, training and supporting pilot projects. I got my first job during the employment-challenged eighties, which lead to a lifelong professional career in what became a Canadian winner - blue-box recycling - which has been exported around the world. We have a tremendous opportunity to provide newly unemployed people with jobs of the future through training and investments in retrofits, conservation technologies, and other climate-friendly programs."
Betty Muise Thornbury, Ont.
Globe and Mail, 3 June 2020
Re: Ottawa’s Quixotic Jolt To Our Electric-battery Industry Is Riskier Than It’s Letting On (Oct. 7)
“Will consumers really take to electric cars in significantly greater numbers than their current minuscule market share?” The answer should be a resounding yes, for many reasons. The cost of the battery (which makes up one-third of the cost of an electric vehicle today) is falling rapidly. Between 2022 and 2024, it is expected to reach $100 per kilowatt-hour, the magic sweet spot. At that point, EVs will cost the same as the equivalent gas vehicle; charging infrastructure will be built out; the range on a charge will be about 400 kilometres, so one can comfortably go to the cottage and back at virtually zero cost. As well, California and Britain, among others, plan to ban gasoline vehicles by 2035. So, yes: I believe EVs will move far beyond their minuscule share of today by the next decade."
Maria Kelleher, Toronto, Ont.
Globe and Mail, 13 October 2020
Re: Ford government's policies put climate-change targets at risk, provincial auditor warns (Nov. 18)
"While many jurisdictions around the world are pivoting green during the pandemic with a slew of creative programs to battle climate change, our premier seems to be using the pandemic as a smokescreen. Behind the scenes, Ford continues to miss the mark on the environmental file. The auditor general's scathing report leaves no doubt how dismal his performance has been."
Tom Scanlan, Toronto
Toronto Star, 19 November 2020
"I am adding my voice to the growing choir asking you to remove Schedules 6 and 8 from Budget Bill 229...While the government is rightly concerned about the economy - especially now - let me remind you that a healthy environment is essential for a healthy economy.
"I support a letter-writer who believes that Mark Machin deserves his $5.9 - million payout because the returns on the Canda Pension Plan exceeded the S&P/TSX Composite Index, but on one condition: The CEOs who have left companies that underperformed the index should pay back their buyouts."
Tom Scanlan, Toronto, Ont.
Globe and Mail, 05 March 2021
But there are other voices that feel a faster transition is necessary. They demand a sharper shift in focus away from traditional oil and gas production. “The writing is on the wall” for a permanent decline in oil and gas demand, said environmental engineer Maria Kelleher, who serves on several non-profit boards. Consequently Canada “has to get its skates on and figure out what we’re going to do when oil and gas isn’t as valuable.” We don’t want the oil industry to become the latest Blockbuster Video or Eastman Kodak Co., clinging to a technology that is clearly outdated, she said. Instead, the Canadian economy needs to quickly shift toward sectors that help mitigate climate change but also provide significant growth potential — such as battery technology, hydrogen fuel cells, biotechnology and electric vehicles.”
Maria Kelleher, Toronto, Ont.
An excerpt from "Reshaping Canada's economy after the pandemic" in the Director Journal
It does take a lot to establish young urban trees, including finding space to plant them with lot sizes shrinking and hardscapes expanding.
In Elora, we created Tree Trust in 2019 to extend the lives of our legacy trees. We fund professional arboriculture care to address structural defects that can threaten older trees. The many benefits of large, established trees are well-documented, not least of which is their role in sequestering carbon.
There are now six Tree Trust chapters in Ontario communities and more are on their way. It’s a simple and unique concept: local charitable donations preserving local trees.
Toni Ellis, Elora, Ont.
Globe and Mail, 09 July 2021